Kelly's Favorite Songs

Hey Guys!! How are you doinnnnnggggg? So, I thought to share something that is really important to me and a huge part of my life and growth. WORSHIP. Image:Pinterest You know how there are some songs that remind you of a situation or different moments in your life? Yeah, I have some of those and they are so powerful! I'd share the song, how it helped me and my favorite lyrics from it 💓 . Like my pastor taught us, Grace is really a song. (These are arranged in no particular order) 1) More - Lawrence Flowers x intercession - Image:Pinterest I love this song because it's a genuine prayer to God and perfectly describes how I feel and what I want to be. ''For the worshiper in me just wants to be free, from the intellectual mentality'' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''Every time I get the chance, I wanna give my best t...