3 rd and final part of “but I was just 14. Aunty ini lived in the heart of Calabar that was where all the activity took place. She was so happy to see me and was very hospitable. Her house was very big and she looked very wealthy unlike how she was in primary school. I found out that she went back to the university after she left my primary school to get a degree in medicine. She was now a medical doctor at an international hospital with a branch in Calabar. One day, she came into my room and hugged me for about 5 minutes without letting me go. She said it wasn’t my fault that any of that happened. She told me that sometimes, bad things happen to good people and those good people have no control over those circumstances. She hugged me and we both cried. I was relieved. I felt better. That was the first time since the incident I felt loved and not worthless. That was all I needed to hear. I wanted to hear that it didn’t happen to me because I was a bad person. I wanted to hear...
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