I wanna hide behind the mask. I think i need a larger brush and a little more paint. I need to look good enough, not for me to feel good, but for society to think well of me. I cant leave my face like this, I mean, i don't want people staring at my imperfections all day. I need to cover it up because am ugly and I look different. I never feel good enough about my body, and well, maybe am fat so i think am gonna starve myself. Skinny legs and pretty faces is all they wanna see.Tiny waists and thinner arms, the opposite of me. The pressure to be perfect is slowly closing in, an utter suffocation that doesn't seem to end. Society is telling me, beautiful is thin and if i choose to starve myself, perfection is what i win. I need my paint brush! quickly! I need to take it wherever I go because people may not like what they see when i take off my mask.

REALLY? SAYS WHO? Society!? what is society? Society is just a bunch of individuals just like you. Why let them determine how u feel about yourself? "society" cannot turn you into whatever u choose not to be.And who says your not perfect? Who says your not beautiful? Have u forgotten so quickly whose image u were created in? The most handsome man ever to have existed. Ok well, I knw he isn't female but the female version of things are always really preety. Big is beauty, black is beauty, white is beauty, tall is beauty and so it short! Why would you ever wanna change who you are honey? You don't need a paintbrush sweedie, neither do you need paint. wash it all of and come out boldly and proudly because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL


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