when we dont resolve our issues with God, people get hurt. Our insecurities cause us to hurt other peoples feelings through sarcasm, insult, or action. We are insensitive to the needs of another because we are too steeped in our pain. We magnify and personalize little things into magnificent offenses and strike out, at imes harming people that had nothing to do with our core issues. 
we may not be killing people physically but we maim them. With our attitudes. a glance, a word, we can inflict deep wounds that we often fail to see. We leave people bleeding in our wakes and all the while, God is observing how we are handling situations. It grieves him when we dont control our wills by asking for his help and submitting to him.
People cry out everyday. Your insecurities kill you inside. Learn to understand that insecurities eat you up and makes you believe that everyone or every thing said or laughed at is directed at you. You know what causes this?The fact that you think you are not good enough or beautiful enough or smart enough. No matter what anyone has said to you or how much pain you have gone through, you are as good or even better than most people you put up your defenses against. 
Let go of your pain, let go of your emotions, let go of your anger, let go of the insecurities and i assure you, the world would be a beautiful  place for you !:)


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