dont let it run out

Embracing the triumphs of the feminine
Episode 24
Don’t let it run out!!
One thing no woman has to waste is time. When you leave high school, you find yourself in college and very soon, before you know it, you become a graduate, where then is the time for you to remain stuck in things you know are not working out or for you to wait for your knight in shining armor to come before you do some things?
As ladies, never waste your time on somebody that you know doesn’t deserve what you have to offer or on a relationship that you know isn’t going to lead to anything. When you find out that this particular guy causes more pain for you than joy and you have tried all you can but things are still not working, then girl, jump out of that relationship before time jumps out on u. Don’t live your life stuck on one place or one person when things are hopeless. But if things look promising then you can remain in whatever you are doing as long as it has a future. Make sure you live life to the fullest. This doesn’t means you should do all he partying and drugs and engage in the vices people see as living life to the fullest but my dear. Do everything you need to do now!  Buy that house now! Go on that vacation now! Buy the things you need now! Don’t wait and say ill do all that when “he” comes. According to McKinney Hammond, “don’t wait for the prince to come along and rescue you. He might come with debt; he might come with a broken down horse and rusty amours “
So girl, don’t remain in the mud for too long. If your leg gets stuck and you are waiting for someone to come and pull it out and wash your feet for you, you may just end up getting dried and dirty feet. Remove your legs from that mud, wash your feet and continue walking else time may just run out n you!


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