too soon too available..nahh!!

Embracing the triumphs of the feminine
Episode 27
Too soon and too available..nahh!
Let him hunt you down. Don’t be too available ladies. When you are, you may begin to lose value in his sight and he may begin to take you for granted. Men are naturally hunters and sorry to say, we women are the prey. And let me add something. Hunters hunt for preys based on the value they put on those preys. If a prey is too available, they may not even hunt but probably just pick. Look our dear Miss Chicken. Chickens are everywhere. In poultries, on the road, on the streets, and even in some peoples kitchens. Yeah! Kitchens! I once had a friend like
You won’t find an individual carrying weapons
and bows and arrows going to hunt down a chicken because of how common they are. They merely carry them because they are forever available.
But look at master lion! Who dares goes into his jungle without a plan on how to hunt. Who dares to go to a lion’s den in the first place. Can you even see a lion on the road or just anywhere? They are not available for just any one and in just any place.
Secondly, don’t give too much too soon! You tell him about all your problems and past relationships on your first date, you even go as far as moving to bed with him and at the end you stay up with your friends with a box of tissue and cups of empty ice cream bowls laying around saying ‘I loved him but he threw my love back at my face” before? Why won’t he? You scared him away dear.
See sweetheart, love is a gradual thing and it’s something you don’t try to force out of people. So when you think telling him ALL about your past and giving your ALL to him in two days of meeting would give you all his love then rewind your mind and rethink again. It won’t. Don’t give too much too soon.


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