well,well, well

Embracing the triumph of the feminine
Episode 29
Well well well!
Well guys and girls! I really thank you all for taking time to read this series. It means so much. I hope you learnt a thing or two because it’s only then that my mission is fulfilled.
I have tried to give us ways in which we as women can celebrate our femininity and ways we can use to improve our wonderful God given characteristics.
We are all children of God and he wishes for the very best things for us. No matter who you are, what you have done, where you come from, just know that God knows you by name and has your interest at heart (Jeremiah 29:11) that’s actually my favorite scripture-“for I know the plans that I have towards you, plans of good and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”.
Any time you begin to doubt your potential, remember that God used various women in the bible to fulfill one thing or the other ; Mary, Mary Magdalene, Esther, Rahab, Ruth, Abigail and many others whose characteristics vary. No lady is useless! We are all power packed. So ladies, remember that God has no favorites and we are all loved by him!
You can leave your comments below and by the way, I feel we should take time out to appreciate our mums for all they have done for us. I mean. They are too good, so tomorrow, all I would be doing is posting various write-ups sent to me by people appreciating their mums. The title is “THIS ONE IS FOR MY MOMMA” You can send yours to me a kellypraise39@yahoo.com. Thanks and much love! Mwa!


  1. Great job Kelly. I am particularly impressed because you followed through with your promise to post an article every day of the month. I admire your determination and consistency.

  2. Quite heart blowing, I love ure unusual methods of expression. ...Im impressed


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