As we lose, we gain more
As I went on Christmas holidays, I realised that we lose A LOT of friends as we grow older and gain a few good ones that last for a life time. Back in high school, I thought the friendships I had would last forever but somewhere along the line those tiny bits I still held on to just fell apart and I found no connection between I and some old friends. Some stopped trying to keep in touch while
some just left. For some, it may be because of differences in our dreams or maybe we just outgrew ourselves. For some of them, their departure from your life hurt whole for others it feels almost unnoticeable.
The thing is your life is a story. There are different characters in stories. For some, their roles are short. Some are longer than others while some characters stay till the end of the story. So when people walk out, don’t go out chasing them. Let them go because they create space for others to come in.
As bishop David Oyedepo said, “20 children don’t play together for 20 years”
You don’t expect to remain close friends with the battalion of friends you had in primary school. I guess as we grow older, we realise that it’s not everyone we have in our lives that is meant to be there. Grow and allow people that have grown with you to find a place in your life.


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