This is a continuation from yesterdays story “but I was just 14”.
After the tests, I sat at the reception with my mother. All through, I didn’t say a word. It was just mother that was sobbing and saying things like “Olorun, bawo lo se ma fin mi ni omobinrin eleyi?” (Meaning dear God, why would you give me a daughter like this). People coming in and going out of the hospital kept looking at mother and at that moment, I was glad I didn’t sit close to her.
The doctor came out with a few sheets of paper in her hand and called us into her office. She started by saying I was clean and free from any disease and infection that usually accompanies sexual intercourse. When she started talking about anti natal care and how a teenager can
be safe during pregnancy, I knew something bad had happened. She gave my mother the test results and as soon as my mother glanced at them, she looked at me, stood up with rage and started beating me. I couldn’t even cry, I couldn’t shout I couldn’t move and I couldn’t even think properly. I was pregnant! Why?  I knew I was going to drop out of school because no school would let a pregnant girl remain in it.
My life was ruined by my best friend. When we got home, mother went to Rotimi’s house and I saw her dragging him by his ear to the house. I just peeped from the window in the kitchen. She brought him to the house and shouted my name. As I came out, she roughly pushed me to him and told me to go and ‘meet my husband’. I hated Rotimi so much from that moment because that was the first time I was looking into his face after the incident. I could have simply walked straight to the police station and given Rotimi up but I just calmly went into the house, got my things, (mother had already packed my things so I could go and live with Rotimi because a non virgin living in her house is an abomination) and walked away from the both of them. Mother was a religious fanatic. She kept raining insults on Rotimi as he followed me begging. I didn’t say a word and I proceeded to the bus stop to get a bus to Calabar. My primary school math teacher lived there and we were really close and she knew about the rape and pregnancy. I left Rotimi and mother behind. At that moment, all I needed was help and support because I had no idea of where to start from or what to do.  Luckily for me, I had little money on me so I got on a bus straight to Calabar to meet Aunty Inibong………………………


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