We tell others not to judge, but we judge the future.

The past appears safe to many because we know what the past holds. Or rather, we think we know what it holds. We know every nook and cranny of the past because we have been there. No matter what the past has thrown at us, some still prefer to go back there because the thought of the future is so scary, we would rather suffer in something we think we know how to handle than venture into something new. This covers relationships, careers, friendships, opportunities and many other aspects of life.
Something a lot of people don’t seem to know is that it’s better to venture into the unknown with the knowledge of the known. That would help you deal with the unknown. Some of us deal with relationship abuse, insecurities and a lot of things that hurt us but we can’t seem to let go and move ahead. Your partner may cheat on you, lie to you, and just hurt you and then they leave you. But the fear of going out alone and starting over makes you crawl back to them. It’s not like you did something wrong. THEY LEFT, NOT YOU. That paralyzes your self esteem without you even realizing it. And the moment you realize that you can find better relationships, they have left you with insecurities, trust issues and many negative things that you pour into your next relationship. Old may seem safe, but at times, new may be safer.
Talking about opportunities,
some of us restrict ourselves to a particular thing. We limit ourselves to certain things and draw an unseen boundary between us and other opportunities because we are scared. FEAR! Fear is a very limiting factor in anything we do. Fear limits us, limits our abilities, and limits our chances to see greater things ahead. One thing fear does is belittle your abilities in the eyes of not only yourself but in the eyes of others. You tell yourself ‘no. I can’t do that! Why would I even be able to do that. People like me can’t do that, it’s for geniuses”. And when asked to do something by someone WHO FEELS YOU CAN DO IT, you tell the person, NO I CAN’T and whoof! you have lost an opportunity. Why would others belive in your abilities when you don’t. Go ahead! See what’s out there and take chances!  And at times, when we start making progress, after a short while, we screw up because we think it’s just a matter of time before we crash. No! you won’t crash!
Don’t limit yourself to anything. The sky is too high above to limit yourself to as low as what your eyes can see. Spread your tentacles. If something isn’t working out, don’t cling to that thing just because you are afraid to go out and start something new. Let it go gently and start afresh. When it comes to opportunities, grab them with both hands and tell yourself “I CAN DO IT” because when you do that hun, even fear respects itself and leaves.
Thanchu for reading and I hope you learnt something. J
“Look what you’ve already come through. Don’t deny it. Say, “I’m stronger than I thought I was” – Maya Angelou.


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