I feel one of the thoughest years of your life is between 19 to 21. It is like, Oh my God! I just left my teenage years, Oh my God! I am now an adult and Oh my God! I am now into adulthood proper. And this is when you begin to get all forms of depressed, sad and angry at yourself. You think to yourself, I should have it all together by now, I am graduating soon, I should have millions stacked somewhere, I should have this and that. It happens to me. It happened to me last year, It happened to me this year, it happened to me today. It would happen because we are humans.
But the thing is,
if you keep beating yourself up about things like this, you would not have time to grow. You would not have the time to develop yourself and you won't even have the time to love yourself. You just want to get there! Get to where exactly. Look, calm down, pray and do everything you are supposed to and trust the most accurate compass and map to direct you to the path he wants you to be. God!Believe me, once you let him take charge, you would feel so much peace inside you. Yes! some people at your age may look like they have it together. But my darling, we all have different hustles, we all have our different directions and we all have our different level of speed. Believe me when I tell you some are going nowhere fast.
So calm down! calm down! breathe, relax, tell God to take it up from here and just keep Jer 29:11 in mind whenever you feel like things are not going positively.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
I love you guys!


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