He won't withhold anything good from you

For as long as I can remember, things have always worked out for my good. Even when the things that I really want to work out, don't, that is them working out for my good. Well, I am a child of God and all things work together for good for those that love the Lord :)
Take for example, when I really wanted to go to one of the most prestigious schools in Nigeria to study my dream course, law but ended up going to another amazing school to study Mass Communication where I specialized in advertising and Public Relations. Today, I work in one of the top three advertising agencies in Nigeria and love what I do so much. I also got to meet some of the best people that I call my family and friends today, through the school I attended. What if I went to the other school, what if I studied law? Well, I don't know but I am grateful for the life I have now.
This is one of many examples.
Over the last couple of years, I have been on a roller coaster. From breaking off one of the most important relationships I had to almost quitting my job, to crying almost every night and then making some of the most unnecessary mistakes, with my eyes wide open, I can safely say God has been with me, watching me, holding me, whispering to me, and wishing I would see how much he loves me
I was just talking to one of my many sisters :) I have a lot of them by the way and after talking about how stuck I felt and how life wasn't going as planned, she told me something. Just to digress, I have become used to things going my way, getting unexpected blessings. What I mean is, things have always worked out no matter how long they took so this feels different. It seems I am stuck in one place with no idea on what the next step is. She told me:
God will not withhold anything good from you - Ujunwa Ichoku 2019
That stuck! That is so true. For some reason, I had been convinced that God just didn't want to answer or he wanted me to sort out this thing on my own. (result of my unnecessary mistake) but thank God because like Kim Walker sang in one of my favorite songs: Unstoppable love: 'No SIN, NO SHAME, NO PAST, NO PAIN, can separate me from your love! Hallelujah!
I am renewed, I am restored and I am joyful because his strength is made perfect in my weakness therefore will I boast in my weakness, Hallelujah!
God is good when things work out and even if things don't, he is still good
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ReplyDeleteHello Iyk
DeleteHow are you?
I am so happy to see your comment :) Thank you for reading my blog
You are not your own. I am special to Jesus, you, Iyk are very special to Jesus, every single one of us on earth is special to him. He is very well invested in us.
Romans 2:11 tells us that God has no favorite.
He loves all of us with the same overwhelming, never ending, reckless love.
Our paths are different and while someone's morning may be your evening, that doesn't mean your morning won't come. I always say to myself 'My own will come and even if it doesn't, he is still good'
I do not have everything I want. I get anxious, very anxious, have impostor syndrome and sometimes, loose hope. But I find peace in the fact that God has promised to give me a future and an expected end. So I just say, hey God, look, someone spoke ill of me, I lost this business, this man that I thought loved me wasn't being honest with me, I lost my job, I feel alone and I know that you are a good God and you want so much more for me than I could ever imagine. I want things to get better, I state all that I want and EVEN IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME WHAT I HAVE ASKED FOR, YOU ARE STILL GOOD because your plans for me are good and beautiful!
When I understood that God wants the best for me, even more than I want for myself, I stopped stressing over how life went.
God makes everything beautiful at the right time. Trust him, with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
Have you heard this part of a song that says 'Even when I don't see that you're working, you never stop working'. He is always looking out for us.
Trust him, understand his purpose for us(which is to know him and make him known)
Everything is going to work out fine for you. It may not be how you have always imagined, but trust God, it will be for your own good.
I hope this helped
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DeleteHi Iyk, for some reason, I can't see your comments anymore. Kindly email me at kellyraise@gmail.com
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