If God be for me, who can be against?

Hey Guys,

 I just want to give God praise for this morning. This beautiful Monday Morning.

I stayed up last night. Had some personal work to do and by 3:45, my eyes were wide awake, kikikiking to memes on Twitter πŸ˜ͺ, after all, I do not have to go to the office tomorrow

Hair Flip Rihanna GIF - HairFlip Rihanna Sassy GIFs

Finally slept off a few minutes past 5. Tell me why I woke up this morning, by 9:00 am for a 9:00 meeting looking like I just finished fighting a bus conductor in Lagos traffic on an early Monday morning. Luckily for me, I came in right on time as it was almost my turn to share my status updates.

I looked like this:
Come on, of course I looked like this 😎😎:

Like it wasn't enough that my eyes were half open and I was still trying to put myself together, HR then asks' everyone to put on their video! Oh my goodness! I am not ready! I put it on anyway😭 

Hell Nah GIF - Hell Nah HellNah GIFs

Anyways, this just goes to remind me how involved God is, in our lives. Before sleeping, I asked the Holy Spirit to wake me up on time for my meeting, as missing it had serious consequences. I am so grateful that he did.

God listens to every single thing we say. He cares for us so deeply, no matter how things look and I am so excited that I have him in my corner. He wants to be in all our corners, all we need to do, is invite him in πŸ’“

Devil - 0 
Kelly - 10

Happy Excited GIF - Happy Excited Praise GIFs

Have a great Monday guys!


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