Train your mind to be calm in every situation

What do we say to panic?

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Sometimes, situations spring up and panic sets in. We begin to pace, walk around, make decisions not properly thought through, and stress a whole lot. And guess one of the worst things you can tell someone who is upset and panicking?

Calm Down. Lol

However, it is important that we train our minds to be calm in every situation. Most times, when things go wrong and we hurry to take action, we make the wrong decisions, sometimes, with results worse than what is making us panic. I like to be calm. I do not like panicking and in as much as I know how to work under pressure, I'd rather not.

Here is what I do when situations that cause panic, happen.

1 - I talk to God/Journal. 
He is my peace. He comforts me and with him, I am assured everything is going to turn out fine. I simply say  ''God, see what is happening o. See what your girl has gotten herself into. I really need you to come through for me. He always does
Hebrews 13:6 - So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently say, 'The Lord is my Helper in time of need, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

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2 - Ask myself what the worst scenario is. 
Play all different scenarios in my head and try to picture the impact each will have. That calms me down a whole lot.

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3- Own it. 
If panic sets in because of something I did or did not do (that I was supposed to do), I own all possible consequences and take responsibility

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4- Escalate 
If something happens at work and it is above my pay grade, lol, I escalate to my bosses. If it is above my personal pay grade (lool), I talk to my loved ones

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5- Eat 
 But of course lmao 😏 .It helps me calm down :)

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I'd love to see your tips on how to stay calm when panic sets in

Thanks for reading




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