Where is your safe place?

" He that dwells in the secret place of the most high, shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty'' - Psalm 91:1πŸ’—

shallow focus photography of open book beside blue ceramic cup
Hey guys!

The past few days have been a blur. I haven't been able to do much, been eating a lot, cranky and just everywhere. 

I didn't know why or what to do, It felt like I wasn't in control of anything. This happened for like 2 weeks and one day I just knew I had to do something about it because this wasn't me or who God was created me to be. Come on! Do you know who my father is? He is the King of the entire Universe!! 
So I did a few things:

1. I cried
 I think this is my number 1 coping mechanism. I cried the negative feelings, anger, sadness, confusion and uncertainty out. I didn't just cry out. I cried to God because like someone says, he collects our tears and keeps them in a bottle and turns them to sunshine. Well, I choose to believe that lol. I told him I hated how I felt and no matter how things are in the different areas of my life, I never want to act defeated because I am a child of God and I am not defeated so I let the tears flowwwww

2. I worshiped and journalled

I would have merged this and number 1, but the emotions I felt were different. When I worship, I feel great. I feel hopeful and I feel alive. Imagine playing ''Raise a Hallalujah'' on the highest volume! I raised a hallelujah louder than the unbelief because 'my weapon is a melody'!! Worshiping does it for me even when it's hard to pray. Hillsong, Outburst and Bethel Music make the best music. God bless them. I will share more of my favorite worship songs in my next post (I am sorry for the delay). My journal has always been my best friend. When things are good, when things are bad and when things are uncertain, when I am hurting, when my family and friends are hurting, I come back home, sit with my journal before God and just pour it out. It helps.

I Raise a Hallelujah

3. I ate my favorite things 
😝 But I tried to eat in moderation so I do not use food as a coping mechanism. Let us take a moment to thank God for good food because it is a blessing. 

cuisine, delicious, dish

4. I binge watched my favorite comedy shows
Special shout out to modern family, The Big Bang Theory and How I met your mother! These shows have helped me get through the toughest day. Coming back home to see Gloria, Sheldon or Barney on my screen helps me a lot because I loveee to laugh!! 

Excited Modern Family GIF - Excited Modernfamily Shake GIFs

4. I detoxified and decluttered
Sometimes, when I feel this way, it is either because I have taken too much on my plate or I am over exaggerating my feelings or I simply have clouded my mind with too much thoughts. I started taking my intermittent fasting more seriously 😏 (Coughs! Ahem , wink, side eye, lol). Well, i try to. I also started a 21 days activation with DDK. It has been so helpful and I cleaned up my space and set a prayer time which I adhere to because God is really my only strength. His strength is made perfect in my weakness.
person submerged on body of water holding sparkler

I am not there yet, but I am getting there.

Times are tough and uncertain and the whole world is hurting. I pray that the peace of God which passes all understanding keep our hearts and mind in the knowledge and love of God. 


I love you all,



  1. This sparked a nostalgic trip😊. Many thanks for sharing!


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