
Showing posts from April, 2020

Train your mind to be calm in every situation

What do we say to panic? Sometimes, situations spring up and panic sets in. We begin to pace, walk around, make decisions not properly thought through, and stress a whole lot. And guess one of the worst things you can tell someone who is upset and panicking? Calm Down. Lol However, it is important that we train our minds to be calm in every situation. Most times, when things go wrong and we hurry to take action, we make the wrong decisions, sometimes, with results worse than what is making us panic. I like to be calm. I do not like panicking and in as much as I know how to work under pressure, I'd rather not. Here is what I do when situations that cause panic, happen. 1 - I talk to God/Journal.  He is my peace. He comforts me and with him, I am assured everything is going to turn out fine. I simply say  ''God, see what is happening o. See what your girl has gotten herself into. I really need you to come through for me. He always does Hebrews 13:6 - So we take ...

If God be for me, who can be against?

Hey Guys,  I just want to give God praise for this morning. This beautiful Monday Morning. I stayed up last night. Had some personal work to do and by 3:45, my eyes were wide awake, kikikiking to memes on Twitter πŸ˜ͺ, after all, I do not have to go to the office tomorrow Finally slept off a few minutes past 5. Tell me why I woke up this morning, by 9:00 am for a 9:00 meeting looking like I just finished fighting a bus conductor in Lagos traffic on an early Monday morning. Luckily for me, I came in right on time as it was almost my turn to share my status updates. I looked like this: Come on, of course I looked like this 😎😎: Like it wasn't enough that my eyes were half open and I was still trying to put myself together, HR then asks' everyone to put on their video! Oh my goodness! I am not ready! I put it on anyway😭  Anyways, this just goes to remind me how involved God is, in our lives. Before sleeping, I asked the Holy Spirit to wake me...

Jos, the city that raised me

Image credit: I think losing a loved one in a crisis is one of the differences between having and losing hope in humanity. Imagine going to work and returning home, cut up into tiny pieces, in a sack to your family. How about being surrounded by an army of men shouting while feverishly pouring petrol around your home with your family in it. As the lighter comes on, you watch your past, present and any possible future, go up in flames before you shut your eyes for the last time. I had witnessed unforgettable experiences during the 2001 crises in Jos, Nigeria, but despite this, I never lost hope in humanity but I think most people did. The first and only time I’ve seen a bullet was when my father boldly took a stroll a few blocks from our house. The crises had been brewing for days and all residents were relegated to a 24-hour curfew. We had been indoors for a week and my father was curious to know the status of things after the fight the night before, as the...

Uncertain Times

Dear GodπŸ’“, Everything is uncertain down here πŸ’” People are dying, getting laid off work, hungry and anxious. The anxiety is loud and the uncertainty of things is killing. I also get very anxious, but you have asked me to be anxious for nothing, but by prayer, supplication and thanksgiving, make my requests known to you. I ask that you heal the world. I ask that you comfort those that mourn. I ask that you give wisdom to Health Care Professionals around the world. I let myself to be used to help my community. Thank you for resources. I won't be greedy and think of myself alone. You are a good God. Everything good comes from you. No matter how things are right now, you remain the good God I have always known. I pray everyone gets to experience your goodness. Help me to find comfort and companionship in you because to be honest, it's really lonely down here. Give me the wisdom to understand that loneliness doesn't mean I need a new relationship. Singleness is ha...